Cecilia “Cessie” Alfonso, LCSW, ACSW, CSW, is a nationally recognized expert in forensic social work, domestic violence and organizational development in the area of cultural competence and valuing diversity.

For the past 20 years, Alfonso has provided social work and psychosocial assessments for civil and criminal attorneys across the United States and internationally. As a mitigation specialist, Alfonso and her associates have conducted over 700 mitigation investigations.

Alfonso is an Afro-Puerto Rican/Cuban lesbian feminist who speaks of intersectionality from a personal and professional perspective.


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Signature Keynotes

The History of Mitigation Sentencing Advocacy
How to Provide Expert Testimony as a Social Worker
Intersectionality and the Use of Self and Sentencing Advocacy
The Changing Institution of Family Conducting International Investigations
Good Lawyering: Client-Centered Representation
Poverty and the Impact on Client-Attorney Relationship
Race, Gender and Class in the Court Room
Surviving Private Practice as a 40-year Practitioner

Schools of Social Work

Commencement Events

Local, Regional & National Bar Associations

Professional Development Seminars

Author: Cecilia “Cessie” Alfonso Date: 2024

Media Interviews

WOOC Radio The Sanctuary for Independent Media Topic: “Social Work and the death Penalty” (2018)

WCDB Radio Social Worker Radio Topic: “Forensic Social Worker” (2017)

WOR TV Montel Williams Show, Topic: “Women Who Stalk” (1998)

NBC TV Sally Jesse Raphael Show, Topic: “Domestic Violence” (1997)

NBC TV Sally Jesse Raphael Show, Topic: “Battered Women’s Syndrome” (1996)

BBC TV Interview on “Alternative Sentencing” (1993)

CNN TV Sonya Live Show, Topic: “Battered Women’s Syndrome” (1990)


Cessie Alfonso, a licensed social worker, speaks about her career as a forensic social worker who focused on death penalty cases. In this segment, Cessie talks about how she got into the forensic social work career, how new social workers can explore this specialization, and what this career is really like.